Friday, April 22, 2011

The Cure for the Common Cold - Part I

I would really like to get my blog here going for real but am juggling a ton of things right now and I can't manage to give it attention on a daily basis. One of these days it will happen - but I do have a post for today believe it or not! I've been miserable all week with a really nasty head cold. Some retail therapy kind of did the trick of cheering me up, but alas it did not clear up my stuffy head. A girl can hope some day soon to be able to breathe through her nose again.

Anyway I had NO cute Spring/Summer shoes to speak of so earlier this week I bought two pairs of shoes - a wedge in neutral color and some adorable print booties in white and pink - and a cute little paisley sundress, and a darling pair of cream colored fishnet tights with a design down the middle of outside of leg - so cute. The booties might be a little juvenile looking for me but they are so adorable with the rose print on white background I just love them. I bought all of these items from ModCloth. I'm a very happy camper. Stay tuned to part II of my shopping adventure -- items from the ModCloth's secret sale this week :-)  The email for it went out just after the purchases you see here, but talked to hubbs and well you'll find out later. They had items I'd practically be lusting for at 50% off so what choice did I have? haha


Have a great weekend everyone.

p.s. - I keep messing around with the templates and color scheme of the blog, etc because I haven't really found anything I'm crazy about yet -- so trying things on for size (pun intended). I am totally open to suggestions but right now I don't have time to custom create a banner hence using the stock stuff provided here.

-Kel xoxo


  1. Hey, I can sympathize with not having the time to get something going. I took forever to do what I wanted because of that weird school thing that eats up my life. Do it on your own terms and I'm sure it'll be beautiful.

    I do really want to see the lovely looks you create with those AMAZING shoes. That dress is quite cute, too. Best of luck!

  2. Thank you Sarah I'm having fun muddling my way along lol. Presumably one day I'll get my act together but as you say pesky life responsibilities can get in the way ;-P
